Summer will officially be here in a few days but the triple-digit heat in the Valley and the lower parts of the state are already here. We have come up with 5 heat escape locations to hit this weekend and cool off.
1. Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is starting to open up and cautiously get back to business as usual with many of its restaurants, hotels, and trails already open. The average temperature high is in the 90’s with morning and night lows hitting the low 60’s. Here is a list of open trails and businesses.

2. Prescott, Arizona
Only 100 miles north of Phoenix, you can escape to a temperature drop of 20-30 degrees. Prescott has tons to offer to the casual visitor, with many places open at limited capacity or full capacity. Prescott is also a popular Summer golf destination, with most courses open, and running close to normal. See Prescott Golf Courses
3. Flagstaff, Arizona
From the Saguaros of Phoenix, you can be in the pine trees of Flagstaff in just over two hours. Flagstaff’s summer temperatures usually do not hit 90°. There is something for everyone in Flagstaff from golf, fishing, hiking, resorts, and even a little bit of nightlife. Check out what is open and fun stuff to do in Flag this weekend.

4. Payson, AZ
An hour and 40 minutes through Tonto National Forest, you can be in Payson and enjoy lower summer temperatures and higher elevation. There are many ways to access the water and open trails where it is easier to practice social distancing and still have fun. Here is some more on currently visiting Payson.

5. Hyper-Local Stay-cation
Another cost-effective way to beat the heat and practice social distancing is to dedicate a room in your house or apartment to your weekend retreat space. Crank down the AC to 74° and make a part of your home a weekend retreat where you cool off, watch your favorite movies, have a cold drink, and relax. The last recommendation is to turn off your phone and email notifications to make it more of a vacation. Cheers!
From our family to yours. Stay safe, be vigilant and God bless.
The Angelo Group